Monday, October 10, 2016

Port Angeles Rocks!!!

So, Port Angeles Rocks is where you paint a rock, put Port Angeles Rocks FB on the back and hide it! I have been doing this for a little bit and thought I would share my designs and painted ones. Here are a few!!
These are all of the rocks that I painted over the weekend. It was raining the entire time, so I didn't have much else to do other than watch movies, drink tea and paint rocks. I think my piano stairs turned out better than I expected. Mainly because my drawing of the stairs originally was awful.

The first rocks I did we the ones on the far right. "Be Free!" and "Friend!" They were the first ones I did with writing on them and it was an adventure. I had to go over the letters like eight times. 
 The next one I did was the fall leaf. It kind of looks like a tree but whatever. It sorta looks like a leaf. So there!

This is the next one I did. It is supposed to be a four leaf clover. The text says,"A friend is like a four leaf clover- hard to find and lucky to have."

This is the next one I did. It took FOREVER to do! First I had to do the blue, which is like six different shades of blue. You can't really see it in the picture. Then I had to do the bird. Then the Treble Clef and the music lines. Finally I did the other notes, the feet and eye. It took about 3 hours. 
This is my second try on writing and it turned out better although not as good as I wished. This didn't take very long. I was going to use a sharpie for the letters but I did that with the Clover rock and it smudged so I used paint for this one. 

Last but not least my piano stairs. This one I am pretty proud of. I took about four hours, maybe five. I had to sketch a grey out line out, on a grey rock mind you. When that was finished I had to paint over the sketch. That almost failed. After I did the black outline of 
the staircase, I had to wait for it to dry before I added the white for the keys. Then wait again to add the black notes. I loved doing this project and will probably do something just as fun soon! 


Unknown said...

I really like your piano stairs. If I tried to do anything like that it would be scary

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she sure did do a pretty great job!