Thursday, October 13, 2016

My first draft of my Piano Essay

So, for my essay, I am supposed to discuss the reason why on a subject and I chose discuss the reason why the piano is interesting. 

Why is the piano interesting?
The sound of a piano playing brings many to the room. Several people enjoy the piano and think it is one of the most beautiful instruments to listen to, but how many people know about this instrument. What cool kinds of pianos are out there and where are they? Do they know any interesting facts about the piano? Do they know who originated it?
            Who originated the piano? It was invented in Italy by a harpsichord maker named Bartolomeo Cristofori. He constructed it in 1709. His first piano he called gravicèmbalo col piano e forte which, in Italian, means harpsichord with loud and soft. The first piano was so expensive that even average rich families couldn’t afford it. It would be predominantly seen in the home of aristocrats or royalty. It received a new name, it was called the pianoforte, which changed to just piano. The first piano looked very different than it does now and was finally perfected in the 19th century to the piano we use today. In fact, it is known today as the King of the Instruments.
            Why is the piano called the King of the Instruments? The reason is because it can reach the highest note of a piccolo and the lowest note of a double bassoon. Another interesting fact about the piano is that it is technically a percussion instrument. The reason why is because it only makes a sound if the hammer hits the string. This often sparks up discussion among musicians and it may come as a surprise to some that piano is considered a percussion instrument. Although it features strings throughout, the sound is produced by the hammers hitting the strings, therefore, the piano has landed itself a place among percussion section within a symphony orchestra. How many parts are in a piano? There are over 12,000 parts in a piano, 10,000 of which are moving. What were piano keys made of and what are they made of now? Piano keys were originally made from ivory, thus the origin of the phrase, “tickle the ivories.” This lasted until the 1950s, when cost and environmental concerns caused piano makers to switch to plastic or resin keys. Although there are some older pianos out there with ivory keys.
            Any piano made between the 1700’s and the 1930’s had ivory keys. Yes, keys made with ivory. They don’t really make them anymore because they tend to chip and turn yellow. There are other amazing types of pianos. Marilyn Monroe’s Baby Grand for example or the rocking piano. The rocking piano was made by Sarah Davenport. This piano literally rocks while the player is playing the instrument. Another cool piano is The Crystal Piano was made designed by Canadian manufacturer Heintzman Pianos. This beautiful instrument was played for the first time in front of an audience at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games by a Chinese pianist Lang Lang. The piano has a beautiful transparent design and is called the Crystal Piano. It was later sold at an auction for $3.22 million, making it the most expensive piano in the world.
            As the piano is such an amazing instrument, there is still more to know. About when and how it came to be, what to most interesting things about the piano are and what the coolest pianos are. There are always more being made and more being discovered about the amazing piano.        



Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading this good job Alli and u don't know about you but no matter how cool pianos I'll never pay $3.22 million for one

Allis Mac said...

I enjoy playing the piano, but I agree with you completely. 3.22 million dollars is WAY too much money to be spending on a piano. ;p