Sunday, October 23, 2016

Dragon Poem

I LOVE dragons. I love to draw them, read books on them, I just think they are the coolest things ever! My cousin Hannah just did the most amazing poem I have read in a long time. I almost cried. It has dragons and little village girls and everything to love about a short sad story. Here is the link to see it:
                                     Friend, Foe and Eleanor- a dragon poem
I love it. I think I might reread it again, and again, and possibly a million times after that. Good Job Hannah!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What is today?

Today is October 20th but it is also.......
National Brandied Fruit Day,
National Suspenders Day, and
World Osteoporosis day!

Siberian Husky

This is Day 2 of the Drawing challenge. 
Here is the original:This is the most epic picture EVER!!! I love it. 
The Siberian Husky originated in  northeastern Siberia in Russia and was bred by the Eskimos to pull heavy loads long distances across the rough terrain in hard conditions. 

During the Nome Gold Rush, the dogs were brought to Alaska.These dogs are also known as the Chutsha Husky and are used as house pets, sled dogs or show dogs. They have distinct bright blue eyes and can sometimes have one blue and one brown. They are very much so like wolves and professional escape artists. 

Here is my drawing of it. 

Not too amazing..... but oh well. I tried, I truly did. 

Challenge 1: Draw a self portrait

Sorry guys! InteerI am going to die! I didn't do very well at all. Here is the picture I took.
I know, it is not a very good picture of me to begin with, but it is the only one of me not teeth smiling. I didn't draw one of me tooth smiling because it is a toothache to do. (hehe toothache.) 
 Here is the drawing:

 I am wincing and sad that I have to show you because it turned out ridiculous.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Day #2 for the drawing challenge

I am going to draw my favorite animal. Right now my favorite animal is a Siberian Husky. This may take some time to draw so if it doesn't show itself within 24 hours, it will within 48. I am hoping that it will turn out much better than my self-portrait. 

Challenge technical difficulties

Sorry guys, the internet was being really annoying yesterday and it wouldn't upload my pictures. I will have my self-portrait pictures up tomorrow morning at some point if the internet allows.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Day 1 of the Drawing Challenge!

Today is Day 1!!!! Hip-Hip-Hooray!!!
Today I will try to draw a self-portrait of myself. I will be posting the original picture and the self-portrait tomorrow. There is only one rule. NO NASTY COMMENTS!!!! If you do, I will be very upset.

What is today?

Today is so many things! 
It is my lovely parents anniversary. 
It is also National Chocolate Cupcake Day, National Face Your Fears Day and National No Beard Day. Weird but true. 

Final Draft of Piano Essay

The goal of this essay was to write a short essay(350-450 words) on discussing the reason for something. I already wrote my first draft and here is my final. 
Discuss the reasons why the piano is interesting.
The sound of a piano playing brings many to the room. Several people enjoy the piano and think it is one of the most beautiful instruments to listen to, but how many people know about this instrument. Pianos have many interesting points to know including, but not limited to cool pianos around the world, fun facts about pianos and when the first piano was made.           
            The piano was invented in Italy by a harpsichord maker named Bartolomeo Cristofori. He constructed it in 1709. His first piano he called gravicèmbalo col piano e forte which, in Italian, means harpsichord with loud and soft. The first piano was so expensive that even average rich families couldn’t afford it. It would be predominantly seen in the home of aristocrats or royalty. It received a new name, it was called the pianoforte, which changed to just piano. The first piano looked very different than it does now and was finally perfected in the 19th century to the piano we use today. In fact, it is known today as the King of the Instruments.
            Why is the piano called the King of the Instruments? The reason is because it can reach the highest note of a piccolo and the lowest note of a double bassoon. Another interesting fact about the piano is that it is technically a percussion instrument. The reason why is because it only makes a sound if the hammer hits the string. This often sparks up discussion among musicians and it may come as a surprise to some that piano is considered a percussion instrument. Although it features strings throughout, the sound is produced by the hammers hitting the strings, therefore, the piano has landed itself a place among percussion section within a symphony orchestra. How many parts are in a piano? There are over 12,000 parts in a piano, 10,000 of which are moving.
            There is a piano called the Rocking Piano. This piano was made by Sarah Davenport. It literally rocks while the player is playing the instrument. Another cool piano is The Crystal Piano. It was made designed by Canadian manufacturer Heintzman Pianos. This beautiful instrument was played for the first time in front of an audience at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games by a Chinese pianist Lang Lang. The piano has a beautiful transparent design and is called the Crystal Piano. It was later sold at an auction for $3.22 million, making it the most expensive piano in the world.
            As the piano is such an amazing instrument. There are some of the most interesting facts about it. Facts about its originator and when it was invented. Facts about the piano itself and how it works and facts about what cool pianos are out there, waiting to be discovered.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Story of Ruth

            The Story of Ruth


                Chapter 1    

     "Ruth did you get the water for today," my mother asked, one spring morning.
     "I was just going to get it, Mother," I replied, putting my headdress on to cover my thick brown hair.
      As I picked the large clay jar, my mother came to me and said, "Be quick, for Elimelek, an Ephrathite from Bethlehem in Judah is coming to claim either you or your sister, Hannah, to become his son, Mahlon's wife." Then, she went inside to make preparations for their arrival.
      As I walked two furlongs to the well, I tried to ignore what my mother had said and instead started to think about what my surroundings were.
 While I was walking down the pathway that led to the road, I walked past our small flower garden. The cyclamen was blooming as were the lilies. The cherry trees that were on the edge of our orchard were starting to blossom. I could smell its sweet fragrance from where I stood. I continued to walk down the road. The fields of grapes that our neighbors owned were already growing leaves, and all of the broad-petal lilies were perfuming the air.
      As I passed the half way mark my mind started to stray to what my mother was saying earlier. What kind of a man would try and choose between two of us? I had always been told that the father of the man would come, pick the girl of his choosing and leave with her the next day. Then the two would be married according to his tradition. Why would a man even come from me when my sister is so much better? Hannah would make a much better wife and mother anyway.
      The bray of a donkey snaps me out of my thoughts. A caravan of donkeys was at the well, along with several servants.
      When I went to fill the jar I had with water, there were two men among the group. The elder man had a long graying beard and the young man stood dark and handsome. They were discussing something in hushed whispers in the middle of the trail of donkeys and servants.      The younger of the two looked up at me with his hazel eyes as I walked up to the well. He nodded then returned to his conversation.
      I dropped the wooden bucket down into the stone well to retrieve water, but as I was bringing it up, the edge of the bucket got stuck on walls of the well. I was trying to pull the edge free, the young man came beside me and helped me pull it free and up. Only after I had finished filling up my jar, did the man go back to talking to the elder man.  However, as I started walking away back up the road, the young man called to me.
      "Maiden, I am sorry to be disturbing you but do happen to know where the home of Menon is?"
      I nearly choked. Menon?!? That was my father! These were the men that were coming to choose between my sister and me. I answered as slowly and humbly as I could.
      "The house of which you speak is where I am headed." I nodded in the direction of where I was going. "Just follow me, my lord."
      The man smiled. "Thank you, my father and I were quite lost and still would be without your help." Then he turned towards the elder man calling for him to follow me.
      As we walked back to my home, I noticed the aging woman and another young man, who must be the younger brother. The younger brother had hair the color of the sand on the dunes outside of my village. The elder woman had gray hair with some white highlights.
      As we were walking up the path that led to my house, you could hear the hustle and bustle of preparation.
      "Sounds like something is going on in there." the elder man said in an entertained voice.
      I nodded then changed the subject. "Wait here, I will go and get the man of whom you ask." 
     With that, I walked into the back door and set the clay jar down in the kitchen.
 When I went to find my father, I found him sitting in the front room just staring off into the distance in deep thought. I felt bad for having to break his silence, but it had to be done.
      "Yes, my dear." He said, his attention now on me.
      "There are some men here to see you."
      Instantly, he got up and patted my shoulder saying,
      "Thank you, Ruth. Now go get ready before your sister sees you."
      Totally forgetting about getting dressed I rushed off to the girls' room to get ready. Hoping Hannah wouldn't see me, I slipped quietly behind her, but she heard me and turned around swiftly.
      "Ruth! Don't you know the men could be here at any moment?" Not waiting for an answer, she hastily turned around saying with the wave of her hand, "Go and get ready."
Just then my mother came in to finish my sister's hair and darken her eyes.
      "Ruth, please go get ready."
      I just love my mother, she is so sweet and understanding.
     As I walked to the room I shared with my sisters, I peeked out of a window to see that my father was looking at all the things that were spread on the ground.
      He was selecting fabrics, seeds, and donkeys and putting them in a separate area. I was so focused on my father; I did not notice that young man was watching me. When I did notice, I found that he was smiling at me, chuckling even. I nodded to him and went into my room.
      While I was getting ready, my thoughts turned to all of the "what if's" in my brain. What if he picks me? Will I ever see my parents again? Will I ever see my friends again? My thoughts were interrupted when Zuffa, my younger sister, stormed into the room.
      "Lucky!" she said between huffs and puffs. "You haven't been cooking and cleaning all day. Hannah has been being a persnickety wretch about everything and she wouldn't stop trying on different clothing. Where have you been this entire time anyway?" she said, sitting down.
     "I had to get water from the well," I said, putting on my best tunic. "When I saw a small procession of donkeys and servants. They were coming here but they were lost. So, I had to lead them here."
     Zuffa started to laugh. "Hannah is going to be so mad."
     "She wanted to be the first to meet Mahlon."
     At this, I started to laugh as well. Knowing my sister, she would probably rant about it to me later. Just then, Mother came in to see what progress had been made.
     "At least you're dressed." She said, somewhat annoyed. I'm assuming that it is partly because of me being late and partly because of Hannah's pickiness earlier.
      Mother was soon busy pulling my hair into something strange and unique, almost like something an Egyptian would wear. Zuffa decided to stay and watch my mother prepare me. My mother then fussed with my eyes trying to make them look majestic and doused me with perfume made of lily and roses. When she had finished, I went and looked in the mirror and I had to admit, I looked quite lovely.
     "Hurry dear, they are waiting in the living room!" my mother said, ushering me into the living room.
     As I stepped into the room, I sensed everyone looking at me, and probably wondering what had taken so long. As I looked around to see who was in the room, I saw that it was only the young man and his parents. I later found out that their names were Elimelek and Naomi. As I sat down, Hannah elbowed me as if to say, "What took you so long?" I rolled my eyes in her direction, then turned my attention back to the visitors.
     There was silence in the room except for whispers from the men and cold stares coming from Naomi, for about half-an-hour.
Then when my mother entered for the second time my father bade everyone into the eating room.
     "Miriam, will you please serve our guests?" my father asked of my mother.
     "Of course, my dear." My mother answered as she made her way back into the kitchen. She left the room only a moment before she was back again with our maidservant with our finest lamb and our best fruits and vegetables prepared especially for the occasion.
     After the meal, it seemed the dark-eyed Mahlon had made his decision but was going to leave us hanging until the last moment. Then, my father asked Hannah and I to present some of the weaving we had done in the past weeks.  I love to weave but was no one who was creative and artsy. However, I was very efficient, my mother had told me so several times. Where Hannah was creative I was swift. Hannah liked weaving designs more than making every day cloth so we did what we like best and made beautiful clothes in the result.
      Then, we were asked to prepare an appetizing snack for everyone, even though we had eaten an hour beforehand. Of all the things for me to present it is not my cooking skills. Hannah can make amazing food and make it look good. I can make it taste good but a good presentation is not one of my strong spots. I know Hannah did so much better than I did, even though we were both told we did well. I don't like the false affirmation. It bugs me.
     Finally, we were told to sit and just relax while the deal was sealed. So, our lives are being planned behind our backs and we just need to sit and relax. Yeah right! Neither of us could relax. We sat but were very tense in having to wait around for 100 years! Ok, in reality, it was about ten minutes.
     After waiting about two minutes, Hannah started a very quiet conversation.
      "Who do you think he picked? Oh, I am so nervous."
       She was nervous, but a different kind of nervous. She wasn't, the suspense is killing me I want to know! But more like, I don't want to know and I don't want to leave. She had talked about not wanting to get married yet but I didn't think it was this bad. I mean she prepped and preened herself all day.
      "Well, aren't you?" my sister insisted.
      "Yes, but Hannah," I started. "He is obviously going to pick you. I'm not even sixteen."
      She gave me the, ‘I don't think so' look.
      "Do you really think so?" she responded. "I don't even want to get married. The very thought brings butterflies to my stomach."
      I was surprised she didn't want to get married, especially because of all the fuss she made with her makeup and appearance.
      "Don't be nervous Hannah, you w-."
     I couldn't finish, for my father and our guests walked back in the room. As my father started with an announcement, I was starting to feel sick to my stomach. I was scared that I wouldn't be picked, yet I originally didn't want to be picked anyway. My brain is tricking me to think all sorts of things.
      "Girls," Father said, his large blue eyes twinkling with happiness. "Mahlon has come to a decision as to whom he will be taking home as his bride at noontime tomorrow."
      Hannah reached for my hand and I squeezed it------hard.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

My first draft of my Piano Essay

So, for my essay, I am supposed to discuss the reason why on a subject and I chose discuss the reason why the piano is interesting. 

Why is the piano interesting?
The sound of a piano playing brings many to the room. Several people enjoy the piano and think it is one of the most beautiful instruments to listen to, but how many people know about this instrument. What cool kinds of pianos are out there and where are they? Do they know any interesting facts about the piano? Do they know who originated it?
            Who originated the piano? It was invented in Italy by a harpsichord maker named Bartolomeo Cristofori. He constructed it in 1709. His first piano he called gravicèmbalo col piano e forte which, in Italian, means harpsichord with loud and soft. The first piano was so expensive that even average rich families couldn’t afford it. It would be predominantly seen in the home of aristocrats or royalty. It received a new name, it was called the pianoforte, which changed to just piano. The first piano looked very different than it does now and was finally perfected in the 19th century to the piano we use today. In fact, it is known today as the King of the Instruments.
            Why is the piano called the King of the Instruments? The reason is because it can reach the highest note of a piccolo and the lowest note of a double bassoon. Another interesting fact about the piano is that it is technically a percussion instrument. The reason why is because it only makes a sound if the hammer hits the string. This often sparks up discussion among musicians and it may come as a surprise to some that piano is considered a percussion instrument. Although it features strings throughout, the sound is produced by the hammers hitting the strings, therefore, the piano has landed itself a place among percussion section within a symphony orchestra. How many parts are in a piano? There are over 12,000 parts in a piano, 10,000 of which are moving. What were piano keys made of and what are they made of now? Piano keys were originally made from ivory, thus the origin of the phrase, “tickle the ivories.” This lasted until the 1950s, when cost and environmental concerns caused piano makers to switch to plastic or resin keys. Although there are some older pianos out there with ivory keys.
            Any piano made between the 1700’s and the 1930’s had ivory keys. Yes, keys made with ivory. They don’t really make them anymore because they tend to chip and turn yellow. There are other amazing types of pianos. Marilyn Monroe’s Baby Grand for example or the rocking piano. The rocking piano was made by Sarah Davenport. This piano literally rocks while the player is playing the instrument. Another cool piano is The Crystal Piano was made designed by Canadian manufacturer Heintzman Pianos. This beautiful instrument was played for the first time in front of an audience at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games by a Chinese pianist Lang Lang. The piano has a beautiful transparent design and is called the Crystal Piano. It was later sold at an auction for $3.22 million, making it the most expensive piano in the world.
            As the piano is such an amazing instrument, there is still more to know. About when and how it came to be, what to most interesting things about the piano are and what the coolest pianos are. There are always more being made and more being discovered about the amazing piano.        


Wednesday, October 12, 2016


   Right now I am writing a book called The Story Of Ruth. The title needs some help, but I will be posting it chapter by chapter. I will be posting my first chapter on the 14th. If you guys can come up with a better title, tell me! I am open for opinion. Also, you may give me your opinion on my actual book. What should I change? Should I add more detail? Feel free to tell me!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Port Angeles Rocks!!!

So, Port Angeles Rocks is where you paint a rock, put Port Angeles Rocks FB on the back and hide it! I have been doing this for a little bit and thought I would share my designs and painted ones. Here are a few!!
These are all of the rocks that I painted over the weekend. It was raining the entire time, so I didn't have much else to do other than watch movies, drink tea and paint rocks. I think my piano stairs turned out better than I expected. Mainly because my drawing of the stairs originally was awful.

The first rocks I did we the ones on the far right. "Be Free!" and "Friend!" They were the first ones I did with writing on them and it was an adventure. I had to go over the letters like eight times. 
 The next one I did was the fall leaf. It kind of looks like a tree but whatever. It sorta looks like a leaf. So there!

This is the next one I did. It is supposed to be a four leaf clover. The text says,"A friend is like a four leaf clover- hard to find and lucky to have."

This is the next one I did. It took FOREVER to do! First I had to do the blue, which is like six different shades of blue. You can't really see it in the picture. Then I had to do the bird. Then the Treble Clef and the music lines. Finally I did the other notes, the feet and eye. It took about 3 hours. 
This is my second try on writing and it turned out better although not as good as I wished. This didn't take very long. I was going to use a sharpie for the letters but I did that with the Clover rock and it smudged so I used paint for this one. 

Last but not least my piano stairs. This one I am pretty proud of. I took about four hours, maybe five. I had to sketch a grey out line out, on a grey rock mind you. When that was finished I had to paint over the sketch. That almost failed. After I did the black outline of 
the staircase, I had to wait for it to dry before I added the white for the keys. Then wait again to add the black notes. I loved doing this project and will probably do something just as fun soon! 

30 Day Drawing Challenge

Hello!! So I am going to be trying a drawing challenge. If you would like to do it, you can join me! I will be starting on October 18th and will be posting my pictures as often as I can. Here is the challenge:
30 Day Drawing Challenge
Day 1:Draw Yourself
Day 2:Favorite Animal
Day 3: Favorite food
Day 4: Favorite Place
Day 5: Best Friend
Day 6: Favorite Book Character (Can't be a movie)
Day 7: Favorite Word
Day 8: Favorite Animated Character
Day 9: Favorite TV Show
Day 10: Favorite Candy
Day 11: Turning Point In Your Life
Day 12: Most Recent Accomplishment
Day 13: Favorite Comic Character\
Day 14: Favorite Fairytale
Day 15:Family Picture
Day 16: Inspirational
Day 17:Favorite Plant
Day 18:Just a Doodle
Day 19:Something new
Day 20: Something Orange
Day 21:Something You Want
Day 22:Something You Need
Day 23: Something you Miss
Day 24: A Couple
Day 25:Scenery
Day 26:Something You Don't Like
Day 27:Someone You Love
Day 28:Anything You'd Like
Day 29:A Place You Want To Go
Day 30:A Congrats Banner For Finishing The Challenge!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Identity end

I finished the Identity series. The last video was on accomplishments, telling how we need to go to God for affirmation and you don't have to be the top dog in order to be loved by God. The video also explained that just because you have high grades or you do good in sports or you are the most popular doesn't mean that you have everything. If you don't have any of those things it doesn't mean that you aren't anything. You are worth more than all of the money in the world, don't let anyone tell you anywise. Be who you are, in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Update for my Identity bible study!
I am on the third video for this bible study and I am really enjoying it. I have learned so much about who God wants me to be. In this video, I learned about relationships. How to have a healthy relationship with my family, friends and God. How He doesn't want me to be someone I'm not. Also, I shouldn't be trying to be someone else, I am my own person. = )

Language Arts

I have to write an essay discussing the reasons why...? I chose to discuss the reasons why the piano is an amazing instrument. I will post updates on it!

Unbelievable Rolls

Today my cousin Hannah and I made some amazing rolls. 
It was a fun yet interesting adventure. 

First, you need to place the water, milk, sugar and salt on the stove top and heat it until the sugar is dissolved.

Then, you will want to put the heated water mixture in a separate bowl. Add the eggs and the yeast and mix well. 

Next, put the flour in another separate bowl, put the flour in and make a well. Pour the milk mixture into the well, like so:

After this you will want to wait 20-30 minutes until it looks sort of like this:


After it has sat and looked like the picture above, add the melted butter,

and add it to the flour and milk mixture.

 Now you can just mix it, mix it, mix it. I used a wooden spoon. You can use a dough hook on a KitchenAid or just use your hands. 

Once you have mixed it, turn it out and knead it lightly. Put in a lightly greased bowl. Allow to rise for 20-30 minutes. 

Now you can actually make the rolls.

Turn the oven on at 400 F and divide the dough into roll sized dough balls. Put the dough balls into a greased pan. I used a variety of pan sizes, but normally I use a 9x13.

These are some sad photos, but they are supposed to be in for about 12-17 minutes. They are supposed to be golden brown on top.
Here is the recipe:

Unbelievable Rolls
  • 3/4 c. milk
  • 3/4 c. water
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 c. flour
  • 1/2 butter, melted 
  1. Put milk, water, sugar and salt in a saucepan and heat. 
  2. After heated through, put the milk mixture in a separate bowl. 
  3. Add yeast and eggs and mix well. 
  4. Put flour in another separate bowl and make a well inside. 
  5. Pour the wet ingredients into the flour well. DO NOT MIX. 
  6. Let sit for 20-30 minutes. 
  7. Add melted butter and mix all ingredients. 
  8. Let sit for another 20-30 minutes. 
  9. Shape the dough into about 16 rolls. 
  10. OPTIONAL: You CAN allow to sit for another 20 minutes. I don't
  11. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Put rolls in a greased 9"x13" pan. 
  12. Bake for 15 minutes. 
  13. Enjoy!
OPTIONAL: You can make these sourdough, by adding sourdough starter when you add the butter. add 1/2 c. flour and 1/2 c. of sourdough starter. 


On this day, I have done two flashcards. Yay for me!!!
The first one is Proximal.



Proximal is close to the center of the body.
The next one I did was distal.

Distal means an element that is located farthest away from the core of your body.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


The third Vocabulary card for my osteoarcheaology class!!! Yay!

Today's word is Transverse,
Transverse is when you divide the body in half anywhere between the head and the feet. You can make ANY line between the head and the feet.
I put mine in the middle for the sake of using an example. 

Monday, October 3, 2016


Today is the second day of osteoarchaeology flashcards!!!

Today's word is Coronal.
 Again, I used permanent markers and 3x5 cards.

Coronal means that you divide the body in a left and right side through the side of your body like this: