Friday, September 30, 2016

Identity update.

Today I did my second video in the Identity series. I am learning a lot about how following what the world has to say about who you should be is wrong. I am also learning how to turn my thinking around about how to make myself feel positive about who I am and who God made me to be.


Today my osteoarchaeology course started and I am REALLY excited about it.

I have to make some vocabulary cards today, and I am having a blast!
 I am using 3x5 cards and some permanent markers to do all of the writing.
 I was thinking of doing some drawings but that plan backfired
Now I am just going to do lines and words because of my inability to draw.

I have to make seventeen flashcards. So, I have decided to define all seventeen throughout this next month. Today I did Sagittal.

When you are looking at a skeleton (or a body) you take the body like so:
And you divide it in half from the middle of your head all the way down.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Learning how to Learn update

Today I took my final for my learning how to learn online college class and got 96%!! I am so glad I got an A!

Language Learning

Image result for Rosetta stone homeschool spanishI love languages, however, it took me awhile to find a good and cheap language learning program. The first one I used while trying to learn Spanish was Rosetta Stone. Rosetta stone was a good program, but every time I tried to sign in to my account it would lock me out and the customer support was no help, so I quite Spanish.

My junior year, I did French in my homeschool Co-op. I loved the language, but disliked the teaching method. This year, I am using an online website, Duolingo( result for duolingo

I am really enjoying this program! I now love the language AND the teaching methods.


Image result for CTCMath

So I am right now doing an online math thing called CTCMath. I really enjoy doing it and I have learned so much unlike the following.....

Image result for homeschool math

Saxon Math, I really didn't like this one. I used this in 6th grade and begged my mom to get me something else.
Image result for teaching textbooks setThen, for pre-algebra and half way through algebra I used teaching textbooks. They were ok, but I wasn't interested and I always go lost along the way. 
Image result for life of fred

Then, for the last half of my freshman year, my mom suggested I use Life of Fred. This was really funny curriculum. The stories were great but I couldn't figure out half of what he was trying to explain. .

Image result for math u seeAnd Math-U-See, my mom wanted me to do for Algebra again, because I couldn't pass.

This year is my fourth year of doing algebra and was expecting one of these four curriculums, but my aunt introduced me to CTCMath. 
Image result for CTCMath
I love this program! I have learned so much in such a little amount of time it's crazy. The tutor is very good at explaining how to find the solution. The program gives you an option to do online worksheets or printable. You can also do automatically graded questions.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Spicy Chicken Pasta

Today I made the most delicious chicken pasta dish!
To start things off, I am making food for about eight people, keep that in mind because that is how I will be writing the recipe below. As a side for this delicious dinner, I made some sautéed vegetables.

All right here we go!

First, we are going to need 4 chicken breasts, diced and marinating in a marinade. ( I used The Most AMAZING Chicken Marinade)

Second we are going to make some spaghetti.
I used this brand of spaghetti, you can use whatever brand and you can use whatever type of pasta. I have found that Gemelli pasta is the most delectable with this dish.

Mmmm...... stuff is cooking in the kitchen!!!

Spicy Chicken Pasta
  • 4 chicken breasts, marinated in The Most AMAZING Chicken Marinade
  • 2 packages of pasta, cooked according to the package(I used Garofalo)
  • 1/2 c. flour
  • leftover marinade
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne
  • 1 c. chicken broth
  • 2 tsp-2Tbsp. hot sauce (however spicy you like your sauce)
  • salt and pepper
  1. Mix all ingredients for sauce in a saucepan. Stir and let simmer until your sauce is thickened to your liking. If it ends up to thick, just add a little bit of water or chicken broth. ; )

Yum, yum!!!! This was soooooo good and I hope you enjoy it too!!