Thursday, September 14, 2017

Christmas Play

Hello All!!!

It seems like ages since my last post but here goes. So, about three weeks ago I auditioned for this play. Last week I got a callback!!! I am going to play one of the main characters, I am Emma Richmond in the play Four Tickets to Christmas. 

For a little background about this play, it is this captivating story is set in 1905. When a touring musical family of four finds no place to go for Christmas, they return to their grandparents' farm in northern Ohio. there, they are forced to deal with longstanding conflicts. In the process, they learn the importance of following God's unique direction for their lives. In the process, the director of plays, aka Henry, is asked to be the director of a play in the grandparents' hometown. Some of Henry's not so friends join him in Ohio because of the weather and train conditions. In this play, new songs and familiar carols are woven together with a turn-of-the-century flavor appropriate for the new era.

Hope to be able to give frequent updates!!

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